Terms and Conditions.

Stall holder application

Trader - Terms and Conditions.

1. The ‘Kid’s Christmas Special - A Weekend of Baby & Toddler Classes’ further referred to as ‘The Event’ is an event organised by sole-traders Jazmin Garcia de Leon, trading as The Mothership London and Jody Collins, trading as Mondo & Minikin - further referred to as ‘The Event Team’.

2. The Event will be held on Saturday, 19th December 2020 from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm and on Sunday, 20th December 2020 from 10.00am to 5.00pm. The Event Team reserves the right to alter the place or the time of The Event and will give reasonable notice of any such decision. 

3. The aim of The Event is to provide access to a variety of locally organised activity groups and a selection of good quality products.

4. Production methods and packaging should have minimal adverse environmental (and welfare) impacts and conform to recognised standards.  

5. The Event Team aims to achieve a balance of a wide range of stalls so the selection of traders will not be made on a first come first served basis.

6. Stallholders may only sell produce as listed on the application form. Additions to this list may only be made by agreement with the Event’s team and must be negotiated in advance.

 7. Stalls should clearly display the name of the stallholders or enterprise and make sure their stalls are kept smart at all times. All products and branding must be contained only within each stall’s trading space.

8. Stalls should be set up in time to start trading when the event opens and should not close prior to the event closing unless given prior permission by The Event Team 

9. Stallholders must give 10 days notice if they wish to relinquish their pitch by emailing jazmin@themothership.london. Stallholders who fail to turn up for a booked pitch are liable for the full fee, regardless of the reason.

10. Waste, rubbish, etc is not to be left on site and stallholders are responsible for the removal of their own waste and rubbish. Stallholders should clear away their stalls promptly to enable cleaning to take place.

Cleaning pitches is the responsibility of all stallholders. Cleaning needs to be done to the standard required by the terms of the hire of the venue.

11. The Stall Fee ranges between £15 to £30 per day and should be agreed directly with The Event team. All stall fees should be fully payed maximum 24 hours before the event.

12. All traders enter the event under their own risk and fees are non negotiable.

13. Each stall holder will enter a binding contract once they’ve paid the stall fee. With this payment you are accepting the terms of the above policy by making the relevant payments before they will be able to trade.

14. All stallholders must comply with current Trading Standards and Environmental Health requirements. 

15. COVID-19. In light of the pandemic we are asking all traders to follow the rules below. If unable to do so for health reasons, please let us know in advance. Traders who do not comply with these rules will be unable to trade and forfeit their fee.

  • Only one staff member per stall during trading hours, traders to stay at their own stall as much as possible to ensure social distancing.

  • Face masks must be worn at all times, even in the outside area.

  • Hand sanitiser will be available across the event space. However, you must bring one with you and use prolifically throughout the event.

  • Tables will be cleaned before your arrival but please bring anti bacterial cleaner to wipe down your surface throughout and at the end of your day.

  • Card payments is encouraged to avoid contact.

  • All trader staff need to sign in for test and trace purposes.

16. You must hold adequate insurance to trade with the public and must present an appropriate current certificate of public liability insurance to The Event Team immediately on demand by uploading it as part of our registration process. It is the trader’s responsibility to share updated or renewed policies with The Event Team. By agreeing to these Rules you further agree that The Event Team and it’s representative Jazmin Garcia de Leon Robles and Jody Collins are not liable for any claims, losses, damage, injury, costs, charges, liability, or exposure arising from your trading with us. 

17. The Event Team reserves the right to ask any stall holder to leave the event if they are in serious breach of this event policy.

 18. The Event Team must ensure that all stallholders are aware of health and safety issues in relation to operating within the venue and updated on specific issues as they arise. 

19. You agree:

• Your contract is with The Event Team only; you do not have a contract with anyone we rent the space from;

• You have no right of tenancy whatsoever

• We have the right to request you to stop trading at any of our sites for any reason whatsoever

20. You agree:

• Immediately to stop trading at The Event if we ask you to

• Not to make a claim against us if we ask you to stop trading.

21. The Event Team’s decision on these Rules and all other matters concerning the event is final. You agree to abide by our decisions promptly.

22. These Rules have been revised December 2020.